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What You May Not Know About Creatine & Why You Should Be Taking It

No other supplement has been researched more than good old-fashioned Creatine Monohydrate. It is the foundation of the supplement stacks of millions of people around the world.

Now, most of you already know about the amazing benefits of Creatine, but I want to share a few things that you may not know. This is a supplement that the majority of people should be taking period, not just athletes and weight lifters.

I'm not here to promote any brand over the other but there are things to look for when choosing your Creatine. There are so many creatine supplements out now, but I want to suggest that you stick to the basics and go with creatine Monohydrate powder. It will save you money and we know what it does for your mind and body. It's got the most research behind it and some times the basics are best.

Not all Creatine Monohydrate powders are the same. I don't care what brand you choose, but I will tell you to choose one that has the "Creapure" logo. This certifies that it's the highest grade and purest German Creatine. Many brands are made with "Creapure," and the logo should be displayed on the front of the container. In my personal opinion it doesn't matter what brand it is is, as long as it has that "Creapure" logo, so don't overspend on the brand name. There are many impurities and shenanigans in the supplement industry. This logo certifies that you're getting the purity that you're paying for.

Meat is always the best source of Creatine but I believe you definitely need to supplement it as well to operate at your optimal level.

What We Know It Does:

  • Improve Athletic Performance

  • Improve Overall Health

  • Builds Muscle

  • Increases Strength

  • Speeds Recovery

  • Boost Brain Function

  • Improve Neurological Health

Muscle Mass:

According to the International Society of Sports Nutrition, creatine is the world’s most effective supplement for adding lean muscle mass. Creatine can increase lean muscle mass by increasing protein synthesis in muscle fibers. Creatine helps muscles recover faster after exercise, which can aid with bursts of energy during high-intensity, fast twitch activities like sprinting or weight lifting.

When I first started taking it many years ago it did just that and continues to help me maintain and grow. Within a year I added 10 pounds of muscle mass. Of course that was accompanied by a very dedicated training regimen. My doctor at the time accused me of taking steroids and demanded that I bring in the creatine container so he could examine it. He had never heard of creatine supplementation?

Side-note, he wasn't the smartest or well informed doctor out there. He looked like Larry from the Three Stooges which always cracked me up. There are a lot of good ones out there but you have to search. Most are just pill dispensers who don't understand a lifestyle of training hard and building body & mind.

Brain Function:

Creatine is used in the phosphocreatine system for adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthesis. ATP is a energy source that you use when exercising or undergoing strenuous activity. Because it increases ATP Energy Production, it increases energy, strength, and power. It also aids in speeding up muscle recovery.

Research indicates that your brain requires a large amount of ATP when performing difficult activities. Creatine may also increase dopamine levels and mitochondrial function in the body, which is a huge benefit. I believe that there are a lot of cognitive benefits to creatine supplementation. It's theorized because of the increased ATP production that it supports neurotransmission and brain cell metabolism.

In older people its shown to boost brain function, protect against neurological disease, reduce age related muscle, and strength loses. Studies show that older adults supplementing with Creatine for two weeks showed significantly improved memory and recall ability.

My mom is in her seventies and recently had hip replacement surgery. She has lost weight and muscle mass over the past year because of the pain which limited her activity. She is back in the gym now and dedicated to getting stronger and adding more lean muscle mass. She weight trains to help with her bone building as well. We started her on Creatine Monohydrate and increased her protein intake. She's responding well and is getting stronger. It's too early to tell about the cognitive benefits with her, but I'll keep you posted.

Creatine For Women:

Both men and woman can greatly benefit by supplementing with Creatine. It has been shown to counter menopausal strength and muscle loss. It may also help preserve and build bones, which is vital to women as they age. Don't neglect to strength train ladies. It is a vital part of fighting aging, building bone density, and staying healthy and strong as you age.

Safe To Use:

Like I said earlier, creatine is the most researched supplement in the world. It's one of the safest supplements with a diverse array of benefits. It's also one of the cheapest supplements out there.

I recommend you get just regular creatine monohydrate. Remember the brand does'n't matter so don't overspend. Just make sure that it has the "Creapure" label on it so you know you're getting the highest grade and purest German Creatine.

It's easy to use and 3-5 grams a day is the recommended dose. I lean more towards the 5 grams a day for a maintenance dose. You can choose to do a loading phase or just start taking it. Just add it to any beverage or protein shake. You will have it in your system reaping benefits within a couple of weeks. Follow the instructions on the label and go from there.

If your not taking it I highly recommend you start. There are no excuses to prevent you from optimizing your mind and body to perform at it's highest levels. Get Strong, Stay Strong, and Stay Up.


The content contained in this article is for information purposes only, and is not meant to be a substitute or replacement for professional advice and medical consultation. It is just shared as information only, and with the understanding that Directional Force, LLC, (Directional Force) is not engaged in the provision or rendering of medical advice or services whatsoever. You unilaterally understand and agree that Directional Force shall not be liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising out of the use of, or reliance upon any content or information in this article or any article provided by Directional Force. Please seek professional medical advice prior to engaging in, or undertaking any of the content, exercises, advice, and workouts provided by Directional Force.  


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