Our Mission

We're Building a Community of Like Minded People Who Believe in the Merits of Discipline and the Power of Perseverance. You Can't Fail If You Don't Quit. We Build Gear for the Disciplined, but it's more than a brand, it's a Lifestyle.  


Motivation comes and goes.  Motivation is fickle and can't be relied on to carry you through the uncomfortable valley's that life will throw at you.  You can be motivated at night and wake up in the morning with no desire to execute the previous days "Motivation." 

Discipline is what separates the Strong from the Mediocre.  Discipline is the driving Force that won't fail you.  Discipline is what drives you to implement your plan no matter what your weak conscious mind is telling you about how tired you are, how you didn't get enough sleep, and how you will do it tomorrow.  Procrastination is the killer of goals and dreams, Discipline is its Kryptonite.  

Discipline is what paves the path to success no matter the endeavor.  There are no categories with Discipline.  Your age, your bank account balance, your education, play no part in the power that is behind the gift of Discipline.  

When you reject your conscious mind's procrastination and excuses, and commit to execute your goals you can't lose.  Not every day will be a huge triumph, but even on the days when you don't feel like executing, do something.  Even a little bit matters.  If it's working out and you don't feel like it, do a little bit, if it's studying when your tired, do a little bit, if it's working on your business plans when you don't feel motivated, do a little bit.  When you are disciplined enough to do something instead of nothing, you are triggering something inside of your mind and heart that send a powerful message to yourself about your ability to achieve.  It builds self confidence and self love that will generate and fuel the Perseverance that will literally change the mental confines that imprison the majority of people.  

You can look throughout history and see many who have high academic achievements and born pedigrees but are utter failures.  You can find countless doctors who are fat and out of shape, but lecture on health.  Countless business graduates who have never even attempted to start a business, and the list goes on.  Discipline is the X Factor.  It will Separate you from the Herd and open up doors that will make failure impossible.  

Perseverance can overcome the mightiest obstacles.  Discipline generates and fosters Perseverance, and with Perseverance, You Can't Fail if You Don't Quit.  Develop the "I can and I will mindset" and cultivate your mind and body to achieve the best version of yourself that you can be.  Cultivation never ends.  You have to constantly move your mind and body towards your desired goals and avoid being stagnant, both mentally and physically.  Nothing stagnant grows or prospers. 

Keep it Moving - Direct Your Force



As athletes and fitness enthusiast were committed to bringing innovations to sports safety and athletic performance.  Our patented technology will increase player safety in football, hockey, lacrosse, softball, and baseball.  Our proprietary Innovations in joint support will benefit anyone with an active lifestyle.  We're partnering with industry leaders in sports safety to bring some exciting performance and safety innovations for athletes at every level.  We're dedicated to developing products and apparel that are performance based and aesthetically on point.  Innovation is what inspires us and it's a cornerstone of the DF philosophy.   


Fairness In Women's Sports:

We stand by Women and Girls who deserve a fair playing field as Title IX defined.  We believe it's important to Fight for women and girls to have a level playing field in Sports.  Biological women are at a severe disadvantage competing against biological males in any athletic endeavor.  We proudly stand by Directional Force Athlete, Cynthia Monteleone and all female athletes standing up for Women's Rights.  


 Force for Good Initiative 

We believe the most important part of the human experience is helping those who truly need it.  We have always been involved and donated to various causes as a company but we want to do more.  We are starting an initiative with some really great people and organizations that will benefit a variety of people and animal groups.  We are grateful for the opportunity to continue to be a Force for Good, to help and inspire those who may be experiencing their darkest hour and helpless animals in need.  


 From Our Founder

Vibration and Mindset:

I'm dedicated to the constant cultivation of  the achievement mindset and the "I can and I will"outlook on life.  I understand that encouragement is the seed for bountiful crops and I want our company to inspire and motivate people to optimize the best version of themselves.  I wanted to build a company whose entire ethos is about inspiring the weak to be strong, the strong to be stronger, and nurturing unending determination.  A true, "Culture of  Perseverance."

Clear Your Mind of "Can't"

 Remove the word "Impossible" from your vocabulary.  That word has been the killer of dreams since the dawn of civilization.  No matter your background, education or salary, if you develop the mental fortitude, work hard, and persevere, you can overcome the mightiest obstacles.  Believe in your ability to do it and tell yourself daily that you can.  This is the first step on the first day to you achieving your goals.  Elevate your vibration and let no one discourage you on your path to greatness.

You're the Architect of Your Life,

What Are You Going to Build?

There is so much negativity in the world thrown at us every day.  On top of this many people are their own worst enemy, harboring negative and self destructive thoughts.  It takes a conscious effort daily to overcome the negative mass mind.  Sometimes the negativity comes from your own family and friends as well.  A negative mind-set is the only obstacle we truly face because it acts a magnet attracting more negativity and blocks your desired good.  To overcome it you must monitor your thoughts and move them towards your desired goals daily.  This takes effort, consistency and visualization. 

You Control Your Thoughts, Don't Let Them Control You

Tesla said,  “If you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”   Your thoughts are things and they have a corresponding frequency and vibration.  Negative thoughts are of a low vibration and low frequency.  This translates and draws negative things into your life and is detrimental to your health.  It doesn’t take any effort at all to vibrate on a low negative frequency.  It's what Hill called "Hypnotic Rhythm."  It does take effort to transmute those thoughts into positive higher vibration ones, but it must be done if you want health & happiness.  


Fostering the Anti-Inertia Mindset:  

Movement is the key to life & health, both mentally and physically.  Movement of our thoughts towards our desired goals and physical movement to benefit the body & mind.  We only have to look to nature to see that nothing stagnant grows or prospers.  

Realize that when you’re healthy, optimized, and vibrating on a high frequency you will be able to achieve more in life, and that translates into the more you can do for others… Stay Up

Chris  Gowen

Founder Directional Force


Chris Gowen is a former LAPD Detective and member of the U.S. Marshals Service, Fugitive Task Force. Prior to his career in law enforcement he worked for the U.S. Veterans Initiative, a program for homeless veterans.  

He founded Directional Force in 2015 and currently holds six patents for inventions in sports safety.